понедельник, 7 марта 2011 г.

Android Gingerbread Easter Egg

For the Android device owners out there who have upgraded to Gingerbread, have you found the Gingerbread Easter Egg?
Just go to the ‘About Phone’ menu under Settings, and tap multiple times on the Android version field and you should get the ‘Zombie Art’ featured in the thumbnail.
If you found this yourself with no help, well done and if you find anymore, make sure to post where you found it in the comments below!

Watch Android Take Over the World

The official Android Developers channel on YouTube has posted a beautiful vizualization of Android activations around the world starting in October, 2008, and progressing through January 2011. Quite impressive to watch -- especially the huge jump in activity when the Droid launched.
The video has no sound, so don't bother checking to see if you have mute on like I did. I'd recommend cuing up some dramatic musicbefore you hit play to enhance the experience.
Today finds us learning of another video which puts the more than 350,000 current daily activations into perspective.  Check out the video below for a clever infographic-like take on how Android is quickly becoming the preferred mobile OS around the world.